You should only be ONLINE if you accept calls. Go OFFLINE if you don't have the time or proper environment to answer.
Please make sure that whenever you take a call you have sufficient time for it. You should allow for at least 30 minutes, especially if the call is healthcare-related. If you must leave a customer call before the customer is finished, please apologize and let them know that you cannot continue and that they can call right back on Jeenie and continue with a different interpreter.
When a call comes in, you will see an incoming call screen with basic information about the customer (language they need help with, optional scenario).
Click/Tap the green call button to accept the call. If you cannot accept an incoming call (please reserve this option for emergencies only), click/tap the red button to decline it.
Web App:
Make sure your camera is on.
Your camera begins to broadcast as soon as you answer the call. Depending on your internet connection, your camera may begin broadcasting before the icon on your screen shows the camera has connected. You should assume your camera is broadcasting the entire time you’re on a call.
You can only receive one call at a time.
NOTE: If you are on a mobile device and receive an external (non-Jeenie) call in the middle of a Jeenie call, the Jeenie call could be interrupted. Please decline the incoming call as quickly as possible, and the Jeenie call session will automatically resume. (If you accept the incoming external call, the Jeenie call will end abruptly ending the session for all participants without proper closure)
Sometimes, the client will join the call, but their patient/customer will not be on the line yet. They may need you to interpret their initial outreach and/or leave a voicemail for them. Leaving a voicemail is something you are required to do if the client asks you to.