In order to qualify to take Jeenie calls on Zoom, you must do the following:
Account creation is FREE and simple!
Install and sign in to the Zoom App (not the Zoom website!), and/or download and sign in to Zoom on iOS/Android.
Download the Jeenie Interpreting App from the Zoom App
Log into the Jeenie Interpreting App in Zoom using the same email and password as your Jeenie App
- You must login to the Jeenie Interpreting App in Zoom each day to qualify! If you're not logged in, you won't receive calls.
Important Notes:
You must install Zoom on ALL devices that you use to take calls. If you use both a computer and a mobile phone for Jeenie calls, you must have the Zoom app installed on both of those devices. The Jeenie Interpreting App will be connected to Zoom, but you will need to log in on each device.*
If you don't launch the Jeenie Interpreting App once you answer the session, we can't validate how long you were connected which could impact your earned fees.
*At this time, we are aware that with Android devices, you have to re-login to the Jeenie Interpreting App each time you launch it. This is an Android limitation and does not impact users on computers or iOS